
Episode 149 - Ratatoing

We will never be able to fully express how much we appreciate each and every induvial who is part of this podcast. From our guests to our usuals in chat to everyone who listens to the podcast on their commute. You all are loved and we want to keep doing this with y'all for a very very long time. We hope your summer is going swimmingly and we can't wait to see you for Season 11.

To keep in touch with us all at once, we have a new Discord Server we're using as our community hub! All announcements that deal with everyone in our little internet family, will be nicely organized there. Link in all Pretend Monkey socials as well as in the about section on our Twitch.

Email: roughnightpodcast@gmail.com







Episode 147 - The Secret of Mulan

The most chaotic and disjointed episode we've done in a while. Sometimes it's like that. Sometimes one of the members of your chat says something that creates an actual divide between a few of the hosts.

Email: roughnightpodcast@gmail.com







Episode 146 - Kiara the Brave

Every person in this movie is a cloud. Not in a way that's like a cars situation where clouds have taken on human personalities. No, full walking around humanoids are just.... clouds. I have no other way of explaining it. Also it has no relation to the Disney movie Brave. Enjoy.

Email: roughnightpodcast@gmail.com





