Air Bud

Season 2 Finale Live Episode

Here's the last live episode of this season for those of you who missed the stream. If you want to catch our streams when they go live, you can follow us on twitter @roughpodcast. Come say hi and be part of the show!





Episode 33 - Air Bud: Spikes Back

As we celebrate our 1st birthday, we end our second season. We dealt with werewolves, imaginary creatures on lost islands, dogs (wow this has been an animal heavy season). We just want to say thank you all for spending time with us, however little or much you listen to us, it's very cool of you. Now go, go and enjoy whatever the hell this damn movie has to offer.





Episode 32 - Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch

You ever think that these movies would involve scientists wanting to extract the DNA from Buddy and his family so they could make some dumb Sports serum to sell to professional athletes? Ya neither did we, but here we are. Nobody asked for this...





Episode 31 - Air Bud: World Pup (with People)

Kyle made a trip down to Memphis to spend time with his big Irish Family. All of them wanted to be on the podcast. It may or may not have worked...... Let us know.





Episode 30 - Air Bud: Golden Receiver (with Bryce Kelly)

This week we're getting into it with the next Air Bud movie. If you like the first one but thought that it needed more daddy issues and a Russian kidnapper subplot, boy oh boy are you in for a treat.



